I was once asked by a colleague whether I emulated any games, and as this was back in the times of hearing about something but never getting around to doing it, I had to say no, I hadn't. I bring this up because, if memory serves, the game he then went on to play for a bit instead of work was 1943 - presumably because it was first on the list. It was a vertical shooter whatever it was.
Sadly, I didn't get into emulating as soon as I got home that day - must have had some other interest back then - but nearly 8 whole years later, here I am, playing 1943. The skies of the Pacific are swarming with Japanese fighters, the seas swimming with their warships, and your goal is to wreak havoc upon those forces. I'm not even sure that sentence made sense.
War is hell, 1943 is a bullet hell shooter, I'm not going to get very far at all but I am nevertheless looking forward to it.